Summer Background

Saturday, December 27

Christmas 2008

Here are some pics from my mother-in-laws house; this is just a few if you want a full view keep watch for Ofoto pics. I was hoping to get some pics from my moms Christmas but our darn camera was not working due to battery issues.

I have now posted anything from christmas day but the kids got exactly what they asked for. Haley got High School Musical and Hannah Montana dolls, clothes, shoes, games, DVDs and some other misc. toys. Natalie got baby dolls, clothes, DVDs, and games. Jared got toys, clothes, DVDs, and games. We did not overboard it this year as last year was which was overloaded and overdone.

I will say Christmas went by WAY TO FAST, much faster than I expected. So. onto the next holiday New Years and hopefully that holiday can be much enjoyed as the last holiday for 2008. For those that will not be going out and will be staying home (as I know we will) I will be watching the ball drop on ABC or whatever channel it is counting down until the new year. Well for now Happy Holidays.
This first pic is of Haley all excited about the holidays


Me giving my husband a smooch

Dennis and his momma

Dawson and Jared

Kiersten and Natalie

Our friends Cassie and Scott

Shannons (Dennis Sister) Family

Friday, December 26

Christmas Program -Jared

I thought I would try to post part of Jareds Christmas Concert; I wish I would of just kept recording but of course I thought I would be swift and do bits and pieces; oh well heres a snip clip .... I will be posting some more xmas pics and such after this so stay tuned. Have a nice day and enjoy the holidays..

Sunday, December 14

Christmas Activites Part 1

So.. On Saturday while my girls were at grandma's house I took Jared to see Santa's Reindeer; which actually looked like reindeer so he believed it of course and than we went on a horse buggy ride. Even though the weather was a bit nippy it was still alot of fun.

Haleys Christmas Concert

Haley had her Christmas Concert on December 5, it was real cute. All the third graders reselmbed elves so they had to be all red or green. Enjoy the pics.

Thanksgiving Day

I thought I would post some pics from Thanksgiving (I know what your thinking almost Christmas and now you post the pics). You may of seen the ones on ofoto and if you did not well here's a preview of a few of them.

This is Jared snaping a pic with his new handy digital camera

This is Dennis after a whip cream and mashed potato fight he & Shannon decided to have.

Here's Haley sitting at the dinning room table waiting for food.

This is a cute one of Jared and Dawson showing each other cousinly love. Aha how cute...

I'm sure my sister-in-law is loving this one of her family.

This is Shannon helping in the kitchen

Hi Dawson what a nice smile....

Dennis thought he'd be real swift and take a pic of me and my "3" plates of food ; What I was hungry and I couldn't fit it all on one plate so I did 3 (YUM)

Monday, December 1

Jared is 4 (11/30/04)

So ... my Jared is 4 yesterday. He had a pretty good birthday, lots of birthday presents. We gave him a digital camera and some trucks on Thanksgiving and than yesterday we gave him a pair of Handy Manny PJs, Cars Slippers, and Batman Shoes. From Grandma Debbie he got a truck with tools that you can take apart and put back together, which has kept all of the kids occupied. I made him some chocolate cupcakes to take to school today; which he was super excited about. My little baby boy is getting to be such a big boy. He knows how many fingers are four so when you ask him how old he is he says "Im Four"; he is just talking so much and some of things that comes out of this kids mouth still surprise me half the time. Well Happy Birthday my sweet baby boy.

Sunday, November 30

After Thoughts

So.. I hope everyone Thanksgiving was as great as mine. I never did get around to doing any of the things I thought about doing; but hey there is always next year. Some of the food we had was turkey, homemade stuffing, candied yams, sweet potatoes, green beans with breading, cauliflower with breading, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes and gravy, rolls, salad, broccoli, cucumber salad, and corn. We took a whole bunch of pics which I will be able to post later.

I also went shopping the day after and thank goodness that we invited someone along to come with me and Dennis otherwise I would not of woken up in time to get to the store for the good deals. The store employees seemed very crabby. My first stop was walmart which had a ton of stuff and was 10x more busy than last year. Alot of the employees tried to stop you front putting stuff in your cart before 5 am but that did not stop me or any of the other eager shoppers and evetually the walmart empoloyees just let us all be. I will say even though there were a few mis-understanding (which I wont even get into) the day was not all that bad.

Thursday, November 27

Happy Thanksgiving

Best Graphics - Top Comments

So I thought I am going to have off for 4 days and I figured at least Thanksgiving morning I could sleep until 7, but who was I kidding ; I guess I wont complain to much because I did get to sleep a little longer this morning and did go to bed earlier last night; but my point that I am trying to make is my kids all week long hate getting up early, they fight me on it, lets just face it people its a pain in the butt most morning. So.. why is it when kids/parents have days off they feel the need to be up at the crack of dawn; seriously whats up with that. Kids must have this timer in their bodies that tells them mommy and daddy are trying to catch a few extra z's or something and that they need to be woken up. OK thats enough now to the important stuff I just wanted to wish everyone a happy thanksgiving and hope all is well and safe if your traveling. Try not to eat to much turkey even though it can be addicting.

I just want to say my favorite part of Thanksgiving is Family and than the food. I love to prepare the meal (even though it can be a pain the rump), and try to have fun doing it; I am going to try something a little different this year at dinner time ; I saw these really cool crafts at one of my favorite sites that I am going to attempt to get everyone to do. I will let you know how that works. Well I guess I better get ready and get to my mother in laws because instead of having Thanksgiving in my small place we are actually going to to it where we have room to roam.


Sunday, November 23

Black Friday Are you bold enough to go..

So.. I want to know how many of you are going to be shopping the Day after Thanksgiving or will you be staying in bed where its nice & warm? NOT ME I am going to be one of those crazy shoppers that if you dont watch out you just might get run over. I will do what it takes to get "that" item. I am really excited now that I found out what the stores are going to be having. Want a hint as to how I found this out just follow this link:
I think I will end up starting out at Wal-Mart like I did last year; the nice thing is; is that you can wait inside at least the one by my house you can. I am finally truly getting excited about the holidays approaching. Between christmas shopping (even on a budget), putting up the christmas tree, decorating the tree and listening to christmas music has really gotten me going. I will have to post some pics of our house all decorated up with garland around the celings.
Well I will talk to everyone later. Take care.

Wednesday, November 19

To correct or not to correct is the question you tell me....

So.. I thought I would share a little story about this morning when I was getting the kids off for school. My husband left his crutches in the van and of course Jared is curious and asks me "whats that" ; well Haley ended up answering before I could and says "crotches" I start laughing a little and I say "NOOOO Haley that is crutches." Of course shes curious to being 9 years old and all so she asks me "what is a croch?" I explain to her that it is a female part down there and she says "well what do boys have?" So I thought about this for a moment before I answered and I said "boys have a penis" and of course still curious she says "do they pee out of it to?" I say "Yes Haley but we are not talking about this at school " and I change the subject.

Thursday, November 13

Dont you wish you could wrap them up

So this morning as I was getting up for work my little Jared woke up and came downstairs thinking we were going to get to cuddle together; well I told him right away I said "Jared mommy is going to take a shower now" "No mom you cuddle wif me", "Ahhh Jared but mommy has to get up" "no you cuddle wif me" "Ok for a few minutes and than I HAVE to get up" "ok" so we lay there for a few minutes I try to turn and get up and here plop right in my face is a hand and where is his hand going but right around my neck. I think he squeezed so tight I was losing circulation. So I lay there for a couple more minutes thinking ok any minute now hes going to go back to sleep before he has to actually get up. NOPE. I start to get up again and his hold around my neck gets a tad bit tighter so I say "Jared its time to get up, do you want to watch cartoons while mommy takes a shower?" "No mom its dark" of course than I had to lay there a little while longer. So eventually he let me off the hook I go to take a shower and I give him a cupcake or as he likes to call it a muffin. I put the TV on go to take my shower and think oh no big deal hes going to watch cartoons and eat his "muffin" ; I get out of the shower come downstairs and what do I see powered sugar all over the table and what else oh yes 6 powered sugar doghnuts; how you ask he got powered sugar doghnuts well he decided to climb the pantry to get something he wanted to eat. I say to him "Jared OH MY GOODNESS, this is WAY to many" "No siwwy mommy" So we agreed if he could eat 2 he could have more; he only took 1 bit out of 1 of the doughnuts.

Sometimes I wish I could wrap my cutie patotie up and take him with me whenever I need something to cuddle with especially this morning.

Wednesday, November 12

Happy 9th Birthday Haley

Today is Haley's birthday and exactly at 11:15 am she will be 9; can you beleive it I cant. I have attached some pics from all the way back when she was a baby until now, which makes me want to cry to see how much shes grown. Were having a small surprise birthday party for her tonight so hopefully she will be really surprised especially since she does not think we are doing anything. Well hope you enjoy the pictures.

Dear Haley,

I want to say how I glad to be your mother, you make me laugh and happy as a mother. I want to wish you a Very Happy Birthday. From the time you were born I have loved you so much. Your a bright and energetic young spirit who has a way of making others around her put a smile on their face.
So with this being said : Happy Birthday To You; Happy Birthday To YOu; Happy Birthday Dear Haley; Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday Dear Haley.


Tuesday, November 4

Drumroll please .....OBAMA is going to be our next president

So I have to tell you when voting today I was pretty confident with my vote. I almost felt like I was taking a test when I filled in the lines for some of the local candidates for Wisconsin. I did watch the coverage both on ABC and FOX to see how each state voted and what color they got; blue or red. I know I am extremely excited that Governer Sarah Palin did not have a mere chance to get in office to be Vice President; boy would we be in trouble if she did.
This whole 2008 Election thing has been really exciting for alot of people; I know my husband will be glad I wont keep reminding him that Tuesday is voting day; I am sure hes sick of hearing me remind him.

Well I just wanted to express my excitment with all of you out there.


Wednesday, October 29

Halloween 2008

So I wanted to show you some pics of the kids in the Halloween costumes.

This is Jared he was going to be a spider but decided to be a Ninja

This is Haley she is Hanah Montana

This is Natalie she is Abby Cadabby from Sesame Street

Here are some additional pics of Haleys School Halloween party. Natalie and Jared had a blast running rapid all over the gym floor and dancing to the music. Haley of course with her friends shes getting so much older where does the time go. Well hope you enjoy.