Summer Background

Tuesday, November 4

Drumroll please .....OBAMA is going to be our next president

So I have to tell you when voting today I was pretty confident with my vote. I almost felt like I was taking a test when I filled in the lines for some of the local candidates for Wisconsin. I did watch the coverage both on ABC and FOX to see how each state voted and what color they got; blue or red. I know I am extremely excited that Governer Sarah Palin did not have a mere chance to get in office to be Vice President; boy would we be in trouble if she did.
This whole 2008 Election thing has been really exciting for alot of people; I know my husband will be glad I wont keep reminding him that Tuesday is voting day; I am sure hes sick of hearing me remind him.

Well I just wanted to express my excitment with all of you out there.