I know it has been awhile since I posted anything, but I just wanted to post a little something so you can see how things have been. May was a VERY busy month for us. We had Dennis Birthday, my grandma came to visit, Haley had her recital (which I will be posting ), and it just seemed that we had things going on every weekend with the kids. Haley will be done with school on Friday (YEA) and than she will be a BIG fourth grader. We are planning on taking the kids out of daycare for the summer, you know to save a little green.
As far as the whole losing weight thing, that is a BIG up and down with me. I can lose some than I gain it back. I am trying REAL hard to get on a regular exercise routine but with the kids it has been very difficult. We will see how the summer goes with that.
As far as our plans for the summer, we are going to be taking a road trip to Corolla Beach, NC and renting a beach house with my sister-in-law and her family. It should be a lot of fun considering we have not really been a vacation EVER. I will definitely post pictures when we return or as we are there. We are hoping for a relaxing summer, but anything is possible.
Well I am going to go for now and hopefully get a few of Haley's dance class on here for all to see.