I went walking at our local mall this morning with my mom; we walked it 4 times and that lasted for about 30-40 minutes which was so nice. I told everyone I am determined to get into summer shape and that is what I meant. IT is wonderful that the weather is getting nice outside that I can start to take the kids outside more. Speaking of which we went for a bike ride today and the two little ones have big wheels which are nice when little ones first start to ride bikes, but the tires do not go anywhere when it is wet outside. I think today we are going to pick up new bicycles for both of them. That is if they take a nap than we can go after their naps and let them pick out something they want.
Well right now today when I weighed myself I am at 141; how does that happen; I am suppose to lose weight not gain weight; oh well I am sure it takes time and dedication to get where I want to be. I AM GOING TO DO IT
OK until next time TA TA FOR NOW !